This is not Hamburg(ia)

Ich war gerade das erste mal wirklich mit meiner neuen Kamera unterwegs: Ich habe als Ziel die Hafencity gewählt. Und irgendwie ging mir die ganze Zeit ein Lied durch den...

links for 2009-11-19

Solaris Jedi: Solaris Patching Made Simple (tags: patching) A330 is first airliner to be certified for ETOPS "beyond 180 minutes" (tags: ETOPS aviation) OpenSolaris Forums : [smf-discuss] EMI ARC Case...

Hamburg at Night

Codenews 2.2 integrated to the homepage

Just in case, you didn’t saw this already: I’ve integrated the search in the code putbacks to Opensolaris into the left side pane of the page.

About ZFS and high-end storage

I had an interesting discussion today that inspired me to write this blog entry. The discussion was about ZFS and those large storage boxes from EMC, HDS (and their OEM...

links for 2009-11-18

Nikon Nikkor Lenses (tags: photography lenses nikon nikkor camera reviews) Strukturwandel: Die Folgen der digitalen Disruption für die Volkswirtschaft » Über den digitalen Strukturwandel (tags: volkswirtschaft digital gesellschaft internet...

The deliverer's knowledge: Some comments on performance data for capped CPU's with Solaris 10 zones

(An introduction by Jörg: This is the second blog entry written by Heiko. It’s an interesting article about a weirdness you can stumble upon while working with Solaris 10.) Solaris...

Tea boiling thoughts: Hype recombination

While waiting for my tea water boiling, i thought that it’s great to work in IT. Hypes are recombinating faster than the newest flu strain. So you can hype the...


According to this article in the NY Times, the Itanium started to make money … just 10 years after its introduction ;) But it’s interesting, that this news didn’t come...

7. HHOSUG Meeting

Am 24.11 ab 19:00 Uhr findet das nächste HHOSUG-Meeting in der Sun Geschäftsstelle Hamburg statt. Bisher haben sich erst dreizehn Leute angemeldet. Das ist noch verbesserungfähig ;) Hauptthema diesmal: Desktopvirtualisierung...

Sardines configuration

Airbus sold the first A380 in the horror configuration: Air Austral, a carrier from La Réunion firmly ordered two A380 in an economy-only configuration according to this Airbus press release....

576 TB

The new maximum capacity of the Sun Storage 7410 has doubled, as Sun announced 2 TB drives for this system at the Supercomputing 09 in Portland.

First shoot

I’ve got my new camera today and i did a little test-drive of my new toy:

links for 2009-11-17

Die Nachrichtenverlage bringen sich um - Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp (tags: medien)

Virtualbox 3.0.12

For all the people who doesn’t feel like trying a beta version of Virtualbox 3.1 Sun published a new version of Virtualbox 3.0 with the 3.0.12. You can download it...

Little Shop of Performance Horrors

Brendan Gregg did a great talk about things going really wrong. In Little Shop of Performance Horrors he open the bag of experiences he made in the performance field. He...

I'm starting to get really angry ....

It’s really seldom, that i’m spotlighting a reader in a blog entry, but i think it’s necessary to give some perspective to the reader Steve A. It’s really hard to...

Problems with the bolts in the 787 programm

To you remember this experiment in school? You use a steel ball and at room temperature you can put it through a hole with a slightly larger diameter. Now use...

Practical Dedup

Ben Rockwood shows the practical side of Deduplication in ZFS in his blog: “First Look at ZFS Deduplication”. I think, he is correct: ZFS dedup is dedup for the masses....


A colleague draw a good analogy to explain the advantages of a tickless kernel: Imagine you have to wake up at 6 o’clock to get your flight to somwhere in...