Darren Moffat about the internals of ZFS encryption

Darren Moffat wrote a great blog article about the internals of the ZFS encryption - “ZFS encryption what is on disk ?”: This article is about what is and isn't...

New Solaris features: How to monitor SMF services via mail?

It’s a small feature compared to other additions to Solaris, however already i got the first questions how to configure it: the capability of the Service Management Facility to send...

Darren Moffat about ZFS encryption

Darren wrote three really interesting articles about ZFS encryption: The first one is Introducing ZFS Crypto in Oracle Solaris 11 Express. This blog entry gives you a first overview how...

About Java on MacOS X

There is an interesting joint statement about the future of Java on MacOS X: Oracle and Apple today announced the OpenJDK project for Mac OS X. Apple will contribute most...

At the roadside

Dream on fire

According to the Flightblogger, one of the 787 aircraft had to land due to a fire in the electronics bay. It was able to land safely, however a fire and...

They almost got me ...

I was able to leave a shop this afternoon before i had to hear it. Otherwise it would be the shortest competition between me and this awful piece of music....

News business

An exploded Trent 900 with 0 fatalities gets massive press attention with massive speculation. A crashed ATR-72 in Cuba with 68 fatalities and a crashed Beech 1900 in Karachi with...

Vortrag auf der DOAG 2010

Wo ich vorhin meine Karte für die DOAG2010 aus meinem Postfach in der Firma rausgefingert habe: Ich halte am 18.10 um 10:00 bis 10:45 einen Vortag zum Thema <a href=http://mydoag.doag.org/konferenz/vortrag_details.php?tag=18.11.2010&id=411163”>”Performance...

Uncontained - revisited

Interestingly such uncontained engine failures are as seldom as i thought before searching avherald.com.


Ouch …. this is something you call “uncontained engine failure”. This happened to an Qantas A380. TheAustralian has a series of pictures from this incident. Jet turbines are designed to...

Firesheep and the SSL everywhere route - Solaris and SPARC may be of help

Sometimes i can observe trends in reader interest in the webserver logs: In the last time there were a lot of accesses to an article dating back to September 2007...

Gooooood Mooorning, Stuttgart ... again .. damned ....

Gooooooood Moooooooorning Stuttgart ;)

Eine Piratin durchsegelt ein ozeangrosses Fettnäpfchen

Die Zugehörigkeit zur Piratenpartei schützt nicht davor, selbst sich jenes Instrumentariums zu bedienen, dessen Existenz vielleicht nicht gerade den Zielen der eigenen Partei entspricht. Chris von FIXMBR hat nun ueber...

Zufall ?

Aus dem Bericht über die Höhe des Existenzminimums von Erwachsenen und Kindern für das Jahr 2010 (Siebenter Existenzminimumbericht)(herunterladbar beim Bundesministerium für Finanzen): Für die Zwecke dieses Berichtes ist demzufolge von...

Performance Impact of kssl

One of the hidden gem of Solaris is the kssl feature. Long-time readers know this feature, as i wrote a tutorial about it. For the uninitiated: It’s a in-kernel SSL...

System Duty Cycle scheduler class

Perhaps you’ve read about the System Duty Cycle scheduler class. Some people reported about it, but rather cursory. So … what is the story behind the System Duty Cycle scheduler...


Simply waiting

Damned … i sit around at Bremen Airport. I have a company meeting in Munich today and booked a flight at 08:40 … however the Avro RJ had some problems...