When you want to enter the US, you get processed by the US-VISIT system. Two fingerprints and a photo are taken from you. From my view, it´s something like a...

links for 2007-02-21

Lighthead - Caffeine Prevent the Mac to fail to sleep or to dim the monitor. Quite handy for presentations. (tags: Apple Mac mac osx software freeware apple screensaver)

Aha ...

What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by

Common wisdom in rotating rust

In IT many decisions are based on common wisdom. In the field of storage for example: SATA fails more often than FC is the classic one. Or: After a burnin...

Executing Briefing Center

One part of the central Sun infrastructure is the Executive Briefing Center in the Sun HQ here in the US. I tend to like it. All the stuff we made...

TPC-C Benchmarketing

Nice writeup of the idiosyncracy of the attempt of using TPC-C for anything meaningful.

Three Days

The officer at the border control seems to have pity with me when i told him, that i stay only to thursday, after he asked me how long i want...


The last few years, we relabeled leading brands of network adapters and selled them for our system. Now we have developed an own NIC chip again. Why? Because we wanted...


It´s 3 o´clock in the morning local time here … i´m awake … and i can´t get sleep.

Richtung SFO

Noch etwa dreieinhalb Stunden bis San Francisco. Ich habe eben meine Uhr auf die lokale Zeit am Ziel umgestellt. Zu sehen, das in Deutschland mittlerweile später Abend ist, ist dann...


In der amerikanischen Politik gibt es etwas, das sich Filibuster nennt: Das Ganze ist das Ausdehnen einer Diskussion ins Endlose, um eine Entscheidung zu verhindern, so geschehen vor kurzem.Hey, das...

Copy protection

Copy protection was not invented to protect content against copying. It´s only meant to make copying more illegal, a crime introduced to create setting of fear. So an protection scheme...

Intel and Opensolaris

Intel about Opensolaris at ZDnet Intel: Open source drew us to Solaris: Speaking to reporters in the Asia-Pacific region during a teleconference today, Kirk Skaugen, vice president and general manager...

Gute Idee - Schlechte Idee - heute: Kennzeichen

Gute Idee: In Hamburg denken “Autokennzeichen mit M … ob das wohl eine Kollegin/ein Kollege ist?” (Sun Firmenfahrzeuge sind typischerweise in München angemeldet) Schlechte Idee: In München denken “Autokennzeichen mit...

Scott McNealy about Solaris on Power

Scotty made some interesting remarks about Solaris on Power: "We would love to work with IBM," said McNealy, adding that he believes such a move would give users, especially those...

Ich packe meinen Koffer ...

… und lege … hmmm … wieder viel zu viel Krempel hinein. Was zum Henker nimmt man zu einem Dreitagesaufenthalt (Montag hin, dienstag besprechungen, Mittwoch Kunden, Donnerstag Rückflug) im Executive...

links for 2007-02-17

Study about power usage in datacenters (tags: datacenter power cooling)

Noch mal zum Flugtag gestern

Also irgendwie hat der Trick, sich an den Gang einzuchecken - um möglichst viel Freiraum zu haben - gestern zwei Mal funktioniert. Ich hatte beides mal keinen Sitznachbarn. Hinflug Reihe...

Virtualisation - a solution without a real problem?

Perhaps you remember my essay Does virtualisation solves any real problem. It seems, that i´m not the only one who thinks like that: Virtualization: IT’s own global warming. Paul Murphy...


Da steht man vor einem Schild im Flughafen München “Wir bauen für ihren Komfort”. Ist ja schön und gut, aber das ist die Baustelle für (yet another) First Class Lounge....