Informationweek about Niagara 2

One of the Infoweek blogs published a really nice article about Sun’s Niagara 2 Processor Is Multicore Computing On Steroids: Still, this Niagara 2 device is a killer piece of...


DTrace, systemtap and a brief history of "NIH"

You should read the blog entry of to read the perception of one of the DTrace developers regarding the relationship of DTrace and Systemtap. But i really think the whole...

SunCEC2007: Customer Engineering Conference 2007

The official invitational mail reached me a few days ago: I will travel to the CEC this year again. I wrote it before, this year in Las Vegas … i...


links for 2007-08-02

Media Influencer: Conferences are boring by default and design (tags: Conferences) Announcing support for IP Filters on SC3.1U4 (tags: Cluster SC3.1 IPFilter security)


Interestingly the first article - aside from Sun publication - which fully understands the concept behind Project Indiana is published by a Linux news portal.

links for 2007-08-01

Automatic start and stop of XEN domains (tags: XEN Solaris) Elite Bastards - AMD's Barcelona architecture - July update (tags: AMD Barcelona quadcore) - Zoom H4 Testbericht (tags: audio...


Wenn man so morgens in die Gesichter der Leute in der S-Bahn guckt, moechte man meinen, sie würden zur Schlachtbank und nicht zur Arbeit fahren. Verbiestert, den Blick verbissen nach...

Teamquest Virtualisation Poll

An interesting outcome of a “Which virtualisation do you use or plan to use?”-poll hold by Teamquest. First place, of course, VMware. This was perfectly explainable. Virtualisation is mostly a...

Manager haben BSE

Göttlich. Ein Bericht im Deutschlandfunk über den Befall weiter Kreise des Managertums mit der Erkrankung BSE und den Folgen.

How DTrace can save your day

Andrew Leventhal and Brendan Gregg gave an interesting presentation how DTrace can help you to find nasty performance problems in your software (and how dtrace helped Twitter to find performance...

Hardware für mysql-Server mit der Sun-Brille

Kris hat mal wieder einen seiner gewohnt guten Texte auf die Menschheit losgelassen: Wie gestaltet man einen anständigen mysql-Server?. Ich will da eigentlich nichts gross zu sagen, sondern den Text...

links for 2007-07-31

Arbeitnehmer: Ausgebrannt und aufgefangen - Interessanter Artikel zum Burnout Syndrom (tags: Burnout) Thin wide striping Database Performance and Scalability with db_STRESS Benchmark @T2000 +ZFS (tags: mysql oracle postgres zfs...

The Register about Sun´s FY07

The Register writes in Investors stunned by Sun’s apparent health: And the company deserves credit for making the most of these moves and beating analyst expectations on the costs front....

Jonathan about FY07

Jonathan comments the results of FY07 in his blog. But more interesting, there was a photo in the press kit for the results: Jonathan holds one of the reasons in...

The heart of St. Pauli


Not a Linux copy

Ashlee Vance of Register is one of the few really insightful reporter in IT journalism. For example, he is the first in mainstream IT media who got the point behind...

We promised them four percent ....

We gave the financial community 8.5 percent operating margin in the fourth quarter of the last! This is great … no … it´s awesome! From the press release: Net income...

Microsoft researcher about the X4500

A Microsoft researcher writes in a paper about Sun Fire X4500 with Microsoft SQL: This is the fastest Intel/AMD system we have ever benchmarked.