Kludged Design

After looking another time on the photo of the JS22 Power6 blade i finally know why i didn´t like the design: In an IBM blade center the cooling air is...

Oops, IBM did it again ...

IBM did the utilisation nonsense again: That is the utilization rate for the non-virtualized V490 is estimated to be 20% and the utilization rate for the virtualized JS22 is estimated...

links for 2007-11-09

Avoiding LD_LIBRARY_PATH: The Options : Ali Bahrami (tags: LD_LIBRARY_PATH solaris admin) heise mobil - Test: Günstiger Mini (tags: EeePC)

Leitender Entwickler?

Ist ja interessant, was man so ueber die Zeit so alles ist: In diesem Forum bin ich ein leitender Entwickler bei Sun. Leider nicht … bin weiterhin nur eine Edelsystemschlampe,...

Web 2.0 Vortrag auf dem ISV/SI-Symposium

Am 3. Dezember werde ich auf dem Sun ISV/SI-Symposium in Frankfurt einen Vortrag über die Bedeutung von Web 2.0 halten. Ist allerdings eher ein Event für Entwicklungsleiter und technisches Management....

Oh, no ... they are back ...

They are back … the watercooled IBM boxes. By the way: But energy efficent and water cooling doesn´t match … when you have so much heat in your server you...

Jonathan about the first Quarter of the fiscal year 08

Jonathan wrote a good article about our quarter results of the last quarter: Offering Color on our Q1 Performance But push comes to shove, the only thing I was disappointed...

P6 Blade or: The effect of having less cache on a Power6

In an earlier blog entry i had the strong suspicion, that the reduction of the L2 cache to 4 MB and the missing L3 cache won´t be without an impact...

Port No. 4: dtrace for QNX Neutrino

After Solaris, NetBSD and MacOS there is a fourth operating capable of Dtrace: QNX Neutrino, a real time operating system with vast similarities to unix. In I trace, you trace...

IBM´s Power6 blade

The register reports about the new Power Blades. 4 GHz only, no 4,7 Ghz. And the L3 cache seems to be absent. The Power6 in the bigger systems has a...

links for 2007-11-08

Sun Management Center 4.0 Out now ... (tags: sunmc)


Der Mannheimer Flughafen (nein, eigentlich ist es kein Flughafen, sondern ein Verkehrslandeplatz) ist schon irgendwie seltsam. Die Mietwagenschalter sind Schalter im Ausgang. Es gibt hier tatsächlich ein Gepäckband, auch wenn...


So erzieht man seine Kinder heutzutage : Parenting in the Web 2.0 Era

Sch ... Tag

Da steht man vor einem wirklich gutmütigen Publikum und was passiert: Man versiebt einen Vortrag völlig. Ich bin gerade richtig gefrustet. Irgendwie hat mich die Funkmaus, die am ende der...

links for 2007-11-07

CIFS ... in Solaris : Alan Wright (tags: CIFS Solaris) Niagara 2 memory throughput according to libMicro (tags: benchmark memory niagara opensolaris performance solaris sun)

Photos from my trip to London

I´ve uploaded the first photos from my trip to the concert in London. More to come …

Berlioz Requiem at the Royal Albert Hall

Yesterday was the concert i´ve looked forward to for some months now. I´ve buyed the tickets two or three month ago for this event: Hector Berlioz´ Grand Messe (also known...

links for 2007-11-03

OSD (Object-Based Storage Device) Support in the Solaris OS (tags: opensolaris storage OSD) COMSTAR: Common Multiprotocol SCSI Target at OpenSolaris.org (tags: SCSI target iSCSI) c0t0d0s0's favorites on del.icio.us

Offener Kommentar

Hallo Kai, Ich habe mich gefragt, was ich zu deinem “Text” zum Thema Opensolaris schreiben soll, der dann doch einfach und umgreifend daran leidet, das Du dir bei einigen Dingen...

A good idea for presentations?

I still search for a small unit for doing presentations. Those small and beautiful UMPC are much to expensive for this task. I start to think about buying an Eee...