Jonathan about Openstorage

I´m not entirely sure if it´s a good idea to talk about the winds of change amidst the hurricane season, but Jonathan wrote a good article about the changing perspectives...

LKSF restructured

I´ve uploaded an restructured version of the “Less known Solaris features” pdf book today. Well, the order of the tutorials is still the same, but i promoted each structural unit...

An overview to the Sun CAT

Some weeks ago i reported about the availability of the Sun Crash Dump Analysis tool in it´s fifth major release. Ben Rockwood of Cuddletech did a nice overview article about...

Hatte wohl recht ...

Der SPON berichtet, das Beck vom Amt des SPD-Vorsitzenden zuruecktritt … Müntefering ist als Nachfolger im Gespraech …


x (photo was taken at this location)

UltraSPARC T2+ for massive parallel decision making?

I´m digging into the topic of realtime Solaris at the moment. I can´t talk about the project (it´s not finance, military or robotics, you wouldn´t believe it), but the usage...


Der SPON meldet, das Frank-Walter Steinmeier jetzt Kanzlerkandidat der SPD ist. Ich würde mich nicht wundern, wenn es bald eine weitere Personalie zu vermelden gibt, naemlich das Muentefering den Parteivorsitz...

Wanted: A netbook without a camera

I have one customer, who has a strict “no cams” policy in place. And “no cams” means “really no cams”, not in your mobile, not in your notebook and digicams...

Heppner solo

Heppner (bekannter als die Stimme von Wolfsheim) scheint wohl zeitnah ein neues Album herauszubringen. Zumindestens kann man es jetzt bei iTunes vorbestellen. Als Teasersingle gibt es Alleinesein. Es gibt schon...

links for 2008-09-06

Real-time Programming and Administration (Programming Interfaces Guide) - Sun Microsystems (tags: solaris realtime sun scheduler) The Foundations of Solaris Realtime : The jel's weblog (tags: sun realtime solaris scheduler) How...

At the beach of Cap d´Agde

Ashlee Vance about Fishworks

Ashlee Vance blogs at his new employer about our FISHworks concept. I really think, there is a common misunderstanding about FISHworks. Most people still doesn´t get the idea behind FISHworks....

Open Storage NAS appliance

Apropos storage, Computerworld did a nice piece about upcoming Opensolaris based storage appliances.

More delays for the 787 program

The problems in the 787 program doesn´t seem to end. The flightblogger reports about further delays in the assembly of Delayliner, sorry … Dreamliner One: According to several sources inside...

Interims report about the 777 crash at Heathrow

You may remember the crash at Heathrow, where an 777 landed short of the runway. The UK’s Air Accidents Investigation Branch published an report to document the actual state of...

ZFS Crypto Code Review

The review of the ZFS Crypto code has started. You will find more informations at the webpage of the project. Furthermore there is a documentation about the new commands for...

Sun gains in storage market

The Register reports about the actual IDC number in the storage market: But while the market grew 18.8 per cent compared to Q2 cy'07 only Sun (34.7 per cent) and...

links for 2008-09-05

Loeschmittel - Wikipedia - Novec 1230

ZDnet reviews X4450

ZDnet wrote a nice review about the Sun Fire X4450: For raw power this is the gutsiest server we have seen. The benchmark results are the best we have seen...

Chrome, Google und pawlowsche Reflexe ...

So … Google Chrome sendet also Tastendrücke an die eingegebene Suchmaschine (also nicht unbedingt Google Search) um die Bedienung zu vereinfachen. Und viele Schreiber verdammen dafür Google. Gähn …. Denn...