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links for 2008-10-21

Digg - Who dugg or blogged: Is the Linux community afraid of Opensolaris? (tags: digg)

Cheap benchmarketing trick

I already wrote about the latest benchmarketing trick of IBM in the last blog article, but this article was in german, so i repeat this in english. There was an...

Liebe IBM, das ist nun echt nen selten bloeder Trick ....

Ein Kollege hat es schon ganz richtig gesagt: Dieser Artikel in der Computerwoche ist eine Denial-of-Service-Attacke auf das Sun-Marketing - IBM zündet Server-Feuerwerk. Denn was da erzaehlt wird, ist auch...

links for 2008-10-20

Sun Academic Initiative (tags: sun social education learning java students sai) The Power of Xargs - Chris' Corner (tags: unix sysadmin ssh scripting xargs solaris)

Is the Linux community afraid of Opensolaris?

Okay,okay … i know the headline is a little bit provoking. But when you think about some comments from Linux proponents you could think so. In the last few weeks...

Less known Solaris features: About crashes and cores - Appendix B: ::status

You are logged into your system and doing a little bit of house keeping (archiving of old logfiles, deleting the rubbish on you system like backup files) and suddenly you...

Nokia Sports Tracker Beta

One of the nice features of my new Nokia E71 mobile is the integrated GPS receiver. So i searched for a tool to use it as a GPS tracking device...

links for 2008-10-18

[Phoronix] OpenSolaris 2008.11 Starts Coming Together (tags: Opensolaris 2008.11)

"Linux feels like it was written. Solaris feels like it was designed."

Neil A. Wilson wrote an interesting article why he choosen Solaris as is favourite operating environment: “Why i like Solaris”. It´s an article about some features of Solaris, but there...

Mitten in der Stadt

Ich wohne ja nun wirklich so gut wie mitten im Hamburger Stadtgebiet. Hamburg is ja nun eine sehr gruene Stadt und ich habe auch noch das Glück in der Nähe...

Project Sirius

At last: The IBM mainframes will get a decent operating system. Project Sirius is at least one to two years away from prime time but at least it´s a silver...

links for 2008-10-17

Guest View: Java + multicore = good news - SD Times On The Web (tags: programming parallel development java)

Sieben Uhr morgens ... in Deutschland ... am Bahnhof

Man mag sich ja fragen, ob die Zugehörigkeit eines Menschen in eine bestimmte Alterskohorte dafür sorgt, das man einen besonders wirren Klamottengeschmack entwickelt. Ich will mich da nicht ausnehmen: Ich...

The Register about future SPARC developments

TPM wrote an article about some comments of Sun and Fujitsu executives and enriched it with some speculations - Sun and Fujitsu hint at Sparc futures: As part of the...

Heise.de über die Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440

heise.de hat einen sehr wohlwollenden Artikel über unsere neuen Server auf Basis des UltraSPARC T2+ prozessors veröffentlicht: Suns Enterprise-Server T5440 mischt die Szene auf: Mit dem neuen Vierprozessor-Server SPARC Enterprise...

links for 2008-10-16

BigAdmin Description - An Open Source Web Solution - Lighttpd Web Server and Chip Multithreading Technology (tags: cmt sun solaris lighttpd)

Analysing a so-called "Comparison" about Virtualisation at IBM Developerworks

Whenever you want to dismiss the claims of a competitor or want to set your own or prefered technology in a better light, you should do some research on your...

Is iSCSI really dead? The Register thinks so ...

The Register thinks that FibreChanneloverEthernet(FCoE) will take over the datacenter and proclaims “iSCSI: Game over”. Okay, no problem …. there is already a FCoE implementation for Solaris. Been there -...

links for 2008-10-15

US Air Force Saves money/space with Solaris containers : Jim Laurent's Weblog Are Solaris containers "certified" for use by the US Government or DoD? * Short answer: Yes! Read on...